Website FAQ 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Administrators please refer to the website direction page found in the resource tab under “Administrator Resources” for directions working with your team. If you have any questions or suggestions please email web@cmhapei.ca

Parents & Players for help using the website please check the questions and answers below. If you still have questions, please email web@cmhapei.ca  We will add to this webpage as questions arise.

Q: Do I need to log in to the website? 
A: No, users do not need to log in. The login screen is only for administrative purposes.

Q: Can I download my team's schedule onto my computer or pda? 
A: Yes, as long as your calendar application can import vCalendar (.vcs) files. To get your team's schedule onto your computer or pda, you must first download and save the file onto your computer. Follow the directions below to download the team schedule. Once the file is saved on your computer you can upload it into your calendar application on your computer or pda.

To download a team's schedule, click on the Master Schedule link on the left-hand side of the website. You will be taken to the Master Schedule page. Select the range of dates you would like the team's schedule for. For example, for the entire season schedule set the From Date to Sept. 5, 2007, and set the To Date to March 31, 2008.

Now select the team or teams you are interested in by clicking the box next to the team. If you select multiple teams, the schedules for those teams will automatically be merged onto a single calendar. Click the Submit button on the bottom of the page to generate the calendar for the selected teams.

You will now see a list of practices, games and other team and organization events. To download this calendar, click on the Create vCal file button on the right hand side of the screen. You will get a message like:
You have created a downloadable schedule for the following date range.:
September 05, 2007. to: March 31, 2008.
For the following teams:
Atom A2
Right click on this and select "Save Target As" to download the file

Now follow the directions to save the vCalendar (.vcs) file in a folder on your computer. You have downloaded the calendar file. This file must now be imported into your calendar application. The instructions for importing will depend on the application you use.

Q: I have children playing on different teams, can I get a single schedule with the practices, games, and team events for all of their teams? 

A: Yes, see the question above for instructions to create and download a single vCalendar (.vcs) file with all of the practices, games, team and